Jonathan Chan

Jonathan Chan

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FF#19: The 3-3-3 Method for Maximum Productivity

Feeling overwhelmed by endless to-dos? The 3-3-3 Method breaks your day into 3 hours for deep work, 3 quick-win tasks, and 3 maintenance activities. It's simple, flexible, and helps you focus on what truly matters—without the chaos. Ready to take back control?

How to Actually Get Stuff Done Without Losing Your Mind

Discover the step-by-step strategy to combine Singular Focus and the Might-Do List into a productivity system that works. Plus, get access to The Prioritization Blueprint—a downloadable guide with templates and tips to stay consistent and avoid common pitfalls.

FF#18: Turn ideas into action with this framework

Ever been in a meeting where someone droned on for what felt like an eternity, and at the end, you still had no idea what they were trying to say? Don’t be that person. Today, we’re diving into the Pyramid Principle, a framework that’s like the espresso...

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